上午设计于2008年在上海成立。经过这几年不断的发展,上午设计不论从人员配备上还是从胜任大型设计项目的能力上,现在成为具有一定规模与实干经验的设计公司。 上午设计不仅拥有精英的设计团队,也有经验丰富的程序开发团队。我们主张“以人为本,艺术与视觉并重”的设计理念。例如上海宝山国际民俗博物馆内数码互动装置的设计,规划与实施;上海世博博物馆内发现厅的视觉导向与动画系统;还有上海大宁国际商业广场整套线下活动设计。 设计与艺术相通,传达人类对美的追求,设计来源于生活,也服务于更美好的生活。上午设计旨在做到真正的“人性化的设计”和“设计的艺术世界”,在中国相对落后的设计领域拥有自己的专业发言权,并为中国设计做出革命性的努力。 上午旗下除了上午设计,还有上午艺术空间作为多功能性的艺术空间为多种艺术形式(视觉艺术,行为艺术,多媒体艺术等)提供活动交流的平台,促进当代艺术与文化的国际性交流。我们坚持自己的理念,一直在设计领域和艺术领域不断的努力。 |  | am design was founded by Shanghai young artists and designers in 2008. In the 6 years experience and development, am design has participated in pavillion programs, concept design and products design. We has grown to be a professional company not only from manning level, but also the ability to competent alarge-scale design project. am design has very young and outstanding designers who have full experience in fashion and art. We never contect with service design. “to take people as the foremost” is our concept of design. We highly request to design as an art piece, we work for breaking through on vision, like guide program and digital system design in Shanghai Baoshan Museum; vision system and flash video in Shanghai EXPO Museum,etc. Art links design. Design comes from daily life, and serve for life. am design is desirous to make “design for human being”, make revolutionary effort for Chinese design, and create our art world of design in China. Apart from am design, we also have a gallery named am art space. The gallery has run for 3 years till now. am art space is not just a gallery, it also plays a role as a “project room” which can provide a platform for different art styles, such as visual art, performance art and multimedia art. We are committed to the organization of specialized seminars and academic interactive activities. We persevere with our concept, and always be working by heart in design and art. | .jpg)